Alquiler Chevrolet Traverse en Dubái

  • Precio diario
  • Clase del coche
    • Clase Mediana (1)
  • Categoría
    • SUV (1)
  • Color de la carrocería
    • Gris (1)
  • Asientos
    • 7 (1)
  • Color del interior
    • Negro (1)
  • Tipo de combustible
    • Gasolina (1)
  • Potencia
  • Tipo de tracción
    • Tracción en las cuatro ruedas (1)
  • Transmisión
    • Automática (1)
  • edad mínima de conductor
Chevrolet Traverse Gris 2020

Chevrolet Traverse Gris 2020

310 hp
interior-colorColor del interior
AED 207 - 259/día
(1-6 días: AED 259/día)

Condiciones de alquiler

for tourist
Para los turistas que visitan los EAU
  • Pasaporte
  • Visado de visita
  • Permiso de conducir del país de origen
  • Permiso de conducir internacional (IDP)
for resident
Para residentes en los EAU
  • Permiso de conducir de los EAU
  • Documento de identidad de los Emiratos (puede aceptarse el visado de residencia)

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1. How can I book a car?
Select the rental dates and city where you need a car, choose your car and then click "Book now".
3. What is a deposit and what is it for?
A deposit is needed in several cases. It can be used to pay the customer's fines for traffic and parking violations and driving on toll roads. The rental company also charges a deposit if the car is damaged due to the client's actions. In most cases, the insurance company will cover almost all damages if the customer has registered the accident at the traffic police.
5. Will I definitely receive the booked car?
We guarantee that you will receive your booked car. If the car becomes unavailable to rent for any reason, we will notify you and offer you a replacement car in the same class or higher.
2. What documents are required?
The basic necessary documents for renting a car in all countries are passport, driving licence.
4. Is it possible to deliver the car?
Yes, the car can be delivered to the address specified in the booking form. In most cases, our customers order delivery to the airport or hotel.
6. When is the deposit refunded?
It depends on the country, the company and the car. In some cases the deposit is refunded immediately upon return of the car, in other cases within 14 to 30 calendar days. You can see the detailed refund policy on the selected car page and during the booking process.
¿Tiene alguna pregunta?

Escríbanos, le responderemos en 2 horas.